Kontakta oss / Contact us

Kontakta oss på BCN

Varje konsult som ingår i Business Competence Network - BCN - erbjuder unik kompetens och gedigen erfarenhet inom respektive område. Vi kan bistå ditt bolag på många olika sätt.

Hör av dig med ditt behov så går vi igenom hur vi bäst kan hjälpa dig.

Du hittar vårt team och våra kontaktuppgifter på sidan "Om oss".

Varmt välkommen in under vårt paraply!

Vi hörs!

Please feel free to contact us!

Each and every consultant working within the Business Competence Network – BCN – provides a specific competence together with extensive experience, often gained over many years working in the respective business area. We can support and assist your company in many and various ways. Let us know what you need help with. We will be pleased to review all potential options to enable you to reach an optimal resolution.    

You will find our team and contact details, in Swedish, on the "About us/Om oss" page. For communication in English, please e-mail us at: info@bcnetwork.se
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Business Competence Network - BCN